Have you suffered from tooth loss over the years? Let us bring you back to a complete smile with dental implants in Tucson, Arizona. With a consultation here at Presidio Dental, our dentist will evaluate your oral health and jawbone to see if dental implants can be a reality for you. Contact us today at 520-744-7388 to schedule a time to meet with Dr. Jesse Engle and get started on your journey to a new smile.

Dental implants are the ideal solution for tooth replacement in modern dentistry, offering long-lasting and stable restorations to give you back a healthy, beautiful and fully functional smile. Whether you need to replace a single tooth, several teeth or even an entire arch, dental implants can provide a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution.

The core of a dental implant is the implant post, which resembles a tiny screw. This post is surgically placed into the jawbone, effectively replacing the missing tooth root. The post is made from titanium or another biocompatible material, which allows a strong bond to form between the implant and the surrounding bone during a healing period. This integration is crucial as it ensures the stability and durability of the implant.

Once the healing process is complete, a custom-made dental implant restoration, also known as a replacement tooth, is attached to the implant post. The type of restoration used varies depending on your specific dental needs. It could be a dental crown for a single missing tooth, a dental bridge for multiple adjacent missing teeth or a complete or partial denture for more extensive tooth loss.

One of the outstanding benefits of dental implants is their ability to mimic natural teeth in both appearance and function. They look, feel and function just like your original teeth, providing restored confidence in your smile, oral health and bite functionality. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime, making them a wise investment in your dental health.

If you are missing teeth and considering dental implants to restore your smile and oral health, we encourage you to reach out to us for an implant consultation. Our dentist and team are dedicated to helping you achieve a beautiful, functional and long-lasting smile through the transformative power of dental implants. Your journey to a healthier and more confident smile begins here.